The Star races
A Galactic Human Journey
Rene Yanadath
Last Update: 30 januari 2025
Master : |
Backup: (These are only a copy of the orginal Master, if orginal is down or link can not be shared by facebook I use these links below) |
E: An overview of all my weblinks to let every starseed grow in his consciousness, so that we can return to our Galactic families instead of staying stuck in the Matrix and thus not choosing for the tunnel of light. |
NL: Overzicht van al mijn weblinks om iedere starseed te laten groeien in zijn bewustzijn, zodat we weer terug kunnen keren naar onze Galactische families i.p.v. vast te blijven zitten in de Matrix en dus niet te kiezen voor de tunnel van licht. |
An Overview of all information I share: |
Een overzicht van alle informatie die ik deel: Overview.html en |
Do you have any question or need help, please ask, send me Rene Yanadath an Email/
Heeft u vragen of hulp nodig, stel ze dan, stuur me Rene Yanadath een Email
Click here to see an Index of all Pleiadian Taygeta Transcripts and Youtubes |
Dutch - NL - Nederlands
Deutsch Transkriptionen auf Deutsch des außerirdischen Kontakts mit Taygeta - Plejaden von 2018 bis heute, siehe Ofaatu's Webpage. |
Bulgarian Now the Taygetean disclosure translated into the Bulgarian language: |
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Kijk ik heb nu al twee QHHT sessies gedaan - zeg maar een soort hypnose
volgens de methode van
Dolores Cannon. ![]() Ze zijn beide één van mij bijzonderste ervaringen ooit. Ik heb er een samenvatting gemaakt in de hoop ook andere bewuster te maken wat en wie wij mensen nog meer zijn. Ik wist al veel over wie ik Galactisch ben, maar dit geeft mij zo'n een boost in mijn heelheid, dat het zeker zijn bedrage zal doen in mijn missie in de komende verandering die de mensheid staat te wachten. Zie deze webpage voor de volledige sessie uitwerking
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Man is a product, let me put it very
briefly and simply, a result of bringing together 12 super advanced races, who
are like masters, so to speak, of that domain, so they are not seen as that,
there is only equivalence, but who have the most capacity within them to be in
contact with all kinds of other frequency fields at the same time, so not just
here as we are, but with billions of fields at the same time.
Those 12 civilizations have been brought together and have created a new kind of
civilization. And
that has become the human being and in the human being, in that physical body,
which does not look like what we know now, but has a very different, much larger
energy form, there are all the codes and all the processes and all the histories
and all the abilities and all the experiences of all the other layers of those
12 consciousness fields but far super race there are billions of other races
connected to that as well. And all those experiences and abilities are put
together in a body. And then I go a step further. It's not so much
about the body, but what has happened is that because of all those billions of
frequencies and they are radio transmitters, the universe is able to bring
geometric fields back together because of that, there is a new field
consciousness, a dimension you could also call it, I prefer to call it a field
consciousness, has come into being in the creation field, at all. So it's not so
much that it's there at that star or at that planet, but that that field is
happening and literally through all these other layers, is present. And that's
the home base, the frequency field in which the body, which is thus created by
those 12 superior races in which your body can function in that field. And
something happened that caused man to step out of that ability, actually from
within. The 12 super races were the first to have the choice, it's not a choice
though, that's how we think now, I'll just translate it to how we see it now, to
incarnate in those bodies, free will.
So the human race was animated. So the human race has no
revolution of its own, no history of its own, it is based on all those
experiences of all those other beings.
De mens is een product, laat ik het maar
even heel kort en simpel benoemen, een resultaat van het bijeen brengen van 12
super geavanceerde rassen, die als meesters, zeg maar, van dat domein, zo worden
ze dus niet gezien, zo noem ik het maar, er is alleen maar gelijkwaardigheid,
maar die het meeste vermogen in zich hebben om met allerlei andere
frequentievelden gelijker tijd in contact te kunnen zijn, dus niet alleen maar
hier zoals wij, maar met miljarden velden tegelijkertijd. Die 12
beschavingen zijn bij elkaar gebracht en hebben een nieuw soort beschaving
gecreëerd. En dat
is de mens geworden en in de mens, in dat fysieke lichaam, wat er niet zo
uitziet zoals wij het nu kennen, maar een heel andere, veel grotere energievorm
heeft, zitten alle codes en alle processen en alle histories en alle vermogens
en alle ervaringen van alle andere lagen van die 12 bewustzijnsvelden maar ver
superras zitten miljarden andere rassen daar ook mee in verbinding. En al die
ervaringen en vermogens zijn samengebracht in een lichaam.En dan
ga ik een stapje verder.
Het gaat niet zozeer alleen om het lichaam, maar wat er
gebeurd is, is dat door al die miljarden frequenties en dat zijn radiozenders,
is het universum daardoor in staat geometrische velden weer bij elkaar te
brengen, is er een nieuw veldbewustzijn, een dimensie zou je het ook kunnen
noemen, ik noem het liever een veldbewustzijn, is er ontstaan in het
scheppingsveld, überhaupt. Dus het is niet zozeer dat het daar is
bij die ster of bij die planeet, maar dat dat veld zich voltrekt en letterlijk
door al die andere lagen heen, aanwezig is. En dat is de thuisbasis, het
frequentieveld waarin het lichaam, dat dus gecreëerd is door die 12 superieure
rassen waar je lichaam in kan functioneren in dat veld. En er is iets gebeurd
waardoor de mens uit dat vermogen is gestapt, eigenlijk van binnenuit. De 12
superrassen hadden als eerste de keus, het is geen keus hoor, zo denken we nu,
ik vertaal het even naar hoe we het nu zien, om in die lichamen te incarneren,
vrije wil. Dus het menselijk ras werd bezield.
Het menselijk ras
kent dus niet eigen revolutie, geen eigen historie, het is gebaseerd op al die
ervaringen van al die andere wezens. |
Index |
Light Years from Earth | Basis Earth / Moon / Mars / ? | Member of GFW | |
1 |
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- | Yes | |
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- | ||
3 |
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2000 | Yes | |
4 |
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44 | Yes | |
5 |
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250 Million | Earth Moon Mars | |
6 |
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39,6 | Yes | |
7 |
![]() |
395 | ||
8 |
![]() |
16 |
Yes | |
9 |
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42,9 | Yes | |
10 |
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47,4 | ||
11 |
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420 | Yes | |
12 |
![]() |
20 min | ||
13 |
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14 |
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250 | ||
15 |
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36 | Earth Moon |
Yes Grid |
16 |
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392 | ||
17 |
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700 | ||
18 |
![]() |
440 | Yes | |
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1000 | ||
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![]() |
8.6 |
Yes Grid |
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11.4 | ||
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![]() |
Yes | ||
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Yes | ||
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4.3 | Yes | |
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Yes | ||
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Yes | ||
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Bermuda Tringle | Yes | |
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Yes Grid |
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Yes | ||
33 |
![]() HORONGA ( or Chupacabra) - MIB or DRACO-BORGS |
215 | Earth Moon Mars | |
34 |
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Yes | ||
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Yes | ||
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11 | Yes | |
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40 |
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640 | Yes | |
41 |
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Yes | ||
42 |
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43 |
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13.2 billion | ||
44 |
![]() |
34 | Mars | |
45 |
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46 |
![]() |
16,2 | Yes | |
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![]() |
Yes | ||
48 |
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49 |
![]() |
151 | ||
50 |
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51 |
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52 |
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Moon | ||
53 |
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54 |
![]() |
400 | Yes | |
55 |
![]() |
205 / 440 | Yes | |
56 |
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57 |
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28 million | Yes | |
58 |
![]() |
Yes Grid |
59 |
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60 |
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1200 | ||
61 |
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62 |
![]() |
Yes Grid |
63 |
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Moon | ||
64 |
![]() |
Yes | ||
65 |
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Yes | ||
66 |
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Yes | ||
67 |
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68 |
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Yes | ||
69 |
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70 |
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440 / 14 h / 4h at warp speed |
Yes Grid |
71 |
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Yes | ||
72 |
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73 |
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Earth Moon Mars | ||
74 |
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75 |
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Yes | ||
76 |
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Yes | ||
77 |
![]() |
287 | ||
78 |
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79 |
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80 |
![]() |
Yes | ||
81 |
![]() |
309,75 | ||
82 |
![]() |
Yes | ||
83 |
![]() |
65 | ||
84 |
![]() |
Yes | ||
85 | TERRA GAIA | MvS | ||
86 |
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Yes Grid |
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Yes | ||
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25 | Yes | |
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1117 | ||
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Earth ocean | Yes | |
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38 | ||
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14,6 | Yes | |
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Part of | ||
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Earth | ||
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Agendas & activities of extra-terrestrial visitors 57 races are at the moment involved with your planet (Earth), in more or less friendly manners
Agenda's & activiteiten van buitenaardse bezoekers 57 rassen zijn op dit moment betrokken bij jullie planeet (Aarde), op meer of minder vriendschappelijke manieren
Benevolents |
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Malevolent |
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Underground Bases |
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Taygeta Transcripts Engels and Dutch NL
Start Datum |
Mijn andere webpages / My own webpages |
19-aug-2021 |
19-aug-2021 |
07-feb-2021 |
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07-feb-2021 |
01-jul-2017 |
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21-jul-2021 |
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01-jul-2017 |
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14-jun-2021 |
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01-jan-2017 |
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01-jul-2013 |
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01-jul-2012 |
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01-jan-2011 |
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01-jul-1990 |
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01-jul-1990 |
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01-jul-1990 |
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Datum |
16 oct 2023 |
Buitenaardse rassen gebaseerd op het geheime
Russische boek
27 jul 2022 |
17 feb 2021 |
Nordic Conspirac - Nordic-aliens alien-races-the-secret-russian-diplomat-book | |
11 dec 2016 |
The Translated russian Secret book of Alien Races |
09 mar 2021 |
The A-Z Of Alien Species |
10 mar 2021 |
Ful Text of The Translated Russian Secret book of Alien Races |
10 mar 2021 |
Biblioteca Pleyades |
24 mar 2021 |
Alien Cosmos Uamn-tv |
07 Jul 2021 |
Davian art Gallery |
07 Jul 2021 |
Kesara Art |
07 Jul 2021 |
Royal star aldebaran |
07 Jul 2021 |
Billy Meijer |
07 Jul 2021 | |
07 Jul 2021 | The starseeds compass |
07 Jul 2021 | InterGalactic mission |
07 Jul 2021 |
Galactic server |
Datum |
Many people at earth has fysical ET contacts
Aug 2021 |
New Experience of Stephanie Hoedt
Aug 2021 |
Jul 2021 |
Astrid de Heij |
Mrt 2021 |
Astrid de Heij met Zareph |
Feb 2021 |
One of them is Shae she is from Albany (Oregon - America) |
EN: A peaceful reptilian race living here before the touchdown of the Anunnaki and they originally all tried to work together. It was at that point that they had a disagreement because the Anunnaki tried to mess them over. They eventually came back to terms except for a group that separated and went off to look for more land to conquer. When they came back they were super pissed and declared themself not a part of what was happening on Earth. I believe this is the group that people refer to as the Draco reptilians. That is the direction I believe they came back from.
NL: Een vreedzaam reptielachtig ras dat hier leefde voordat de Anunnaki binnendrongen en zij probeerden oorspronkelijk allemaal samen te werken. Het was op dat moment dat ze onenigheid kregen omdat de Anunnaki hen probeerden te overrompelen. Uiteindelijk kwamen zij weer tot overeenstemming, behalve een groep die zich afscheidde en op zoek ging naar meer land om te veroveren. Toen zij terugkwamen waren zij super kwaad en verklaarden dat zij geen deel uitmaakten van wat er op Aarde gebeurde. Ik geloof dat dit de groep is waar mensen naar verwijzen als de Draco reptielachtigen. Dat is de richting waar ze volgens mij vandaan kwamen. |
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Shapeshift |
These 3 pictures are the same reptilian Human |
Shapeshift |
Small Greys
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Member of GFW |
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Member of GFW |
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The central supergiant star in the Orion belt: Alnilam (& Orionis), 2000 (T) Light years from Terra away, is also named locally Zafara, around 2000 light years from Terra. The Egaroth are a colony from the Meissa star system 1000 light years. Egaroth are a very ancient race and culture, which has nearly disappeared. They are part of the famous Council of Five. Archetypal Orion elders, the Egaroth are tall, pale skinned, with a large shull and appearance of serence wisdom. They are spiritual, highly intelligent race and do not take interest in conquest. They were by the past, before the Orion Empire flourished, a highly advanced civilization, spread on many wprlds of Ura-an-na (the Orion zone). Efaroth are wise, ethereal beings, tall and slim with large cranial volume. Their skin is pale brown to pale gret, they have no hair, a slight tiny nose and magnificient eyes, often indigo with a clear blue pupil. They are very spiritual and can materialise until the 9e density. They are hermaphrodites, with the ability to polarise when deciding to mate. ====================================================================
De centrale superreus ster in de
Orion gordel: Alnilam
(& Orionis), 2000 (T) lichtjaar van Aarde verwijderd, wordt ook
plaatselijk Zafara genoemd, ongeveer 2000 lichtjaar van Aarde.
De Egaroth zijn een kolonie uit het
Meissa sterrestelsel op
1000 lichtjaar.
Egaroth zijn een zeer oud ras en cultuur, die bijna verdwenen is.
Zij maken deel uit van de beroemde
Raad van Vijf.
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AMOEBA | Moved to ETs-A.html |
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Amphibians race | Moved to ETs-A.html |
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ANABUA![]() |
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ANAKIM | Moved to ETs-A.html |
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Ancient | Moved to ETs-A.html |
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Andaranen![]() |
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A | Member of GFW |
They are a Lyran colony, who left Vega to settle in the Zenatean system, Andromeda constellation. This binary star system is also named Titawin and has 4 planets in orbit plus 3 planetiods. The Zenae are an extremely spiritual race, equivalent to the Ohoran Arcturians (and sometimes mistaken for them). They are humanoids with blue skin for males and fairer skin for females (Females can even have golden skin and golden hair). Their origin goed back to the Taal Lyrans of the Man system, who fled the war and settled in the Vega system. It is there that their physical features evolved to a blueish skin. In a second time, due to overpopulation on their planet, Adara, a group decided to migrate to form a new colony. As well as the Zygons, the Zenae adapted their genome to the atmospheric conditions and components fo their new planet, as Lyrans know so well how to do these things. They can live up to 1800 (T) Years The Zenae are a peaceful and discreet civilization, part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds Their Higher cast of sages can reach up to the 12e Density.They created the Andromedan Council, which in fact is the Zenatean Alliance, which regroups of about 140 species.Their society is based on a very ancient warrior-like structure which they adapted into a society of spirituel warriors. Zenae will fight for peace and defend the right of universal justice, mainly working onrebalancing frequency fields. Their higher cast of sages can reach up to the 12e Denisty and their life-purpose is principally based around learning as Zenae nourish a passion for science. They created the Andromedan Ciuncil, which in fact is the Zenatean Alliance, which regroups about 140 different species. The high council of this alliance is composed of uniquely spiritually highly advanced races. It is a non-political body. They are interacting a lot at the moment of Terra, alongside the Galactic Federation of Worlds but also sending envoys (starsteeds), to help in this switching point in the evolution of the Terran species. They have foreseen the future of Terra and, knowing this is a tipping point in its history after 5700 years of Reptilian occupation, they try to influence on the constructive and not the destructive path. They work at avoiding the Terrans to fall into a galactic tyranny, which may be stirred up right now, at this precise tipping point of time, from the alliances of Terran dark corporations and the Ciakahrr, Orion and Altairan collectives. They are in fact, not only saving the Terrans but eradicating at the moment its birth a galactic threat in the mergence of a new enemy. Zenae use etheric and interdimensional travel. As well as time travel. Their ships are made of etheric glass and they use plasmic propulsion when in a denser atmosphere. Their vessels are often diamond shaped, or sometimes some other crystalline geometrical structure.
Zij zijn een Lyran-kolonie, die
Vega verliet om zich te vestigen in het Zenatean-stelsel,
Zij interageren veel op het
moment van Aarde, naast de Galactische Federatie van Werelden, maar
zenden ook afgezanten (starsteeds), om te helpen bij dit schakelpunt in
de evolutie van de Aardse soorten. ====================================================================
Also called the Zenatean Alliance, it regroups emissaries from 140 highly evolved species, discussing methods and decisions to assist spiritual evolution in this galaxy. The high council of this alliance is composed of uniquely spiritually advanced races, helping Terra alongside the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and sending also envoys (starseeds). They foresaw the future of Terra and, knowing this is a tipping point in its history after 5700 years of Reptilian occupation, they try to influence on the evolution of Terra onto a constructive path. ====================================================================
Het wordt ook wel de Zenatean Alliantie genoemd en groepeert afgezanten van 140 hoogontwikkelde beschavingen, die methoden en beslissingen bespreken om de spirituele evolutie in dit melkwegstelsel bij te staan. De hoge raad van deze alliantie is samengesteld uit unieke spiritueel geavanceerde rassen, die Aarde helpen naast de Galactische Federatie van Werelden, en ook afgezanten (starseeds) sturen. Zij voorzien de toekomst van Aarde en, wetende dat dit een kantelpunt is in haar geschiedenis na 5700 jaar van Reptiliaanse bezetting, proberen zij invloed uit te oefenen op de evolutie van Aarde naar een constructief pad. |
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Antarrian / Antarrian Universe / Antares / Sayara / Saferian |
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** Very bad race, the worst out of all **
Maytra (pl. Matrei), or Maitre, originate from two home planets in the nearest galaxy of Andromeda, that they name Megopei.
They are your worst enemy, and the
worst enemy of all the races in this galaxy. Basically, they are considered
parasites by everyone except those who have managed to forge an alliance
of mutual interest with them, that is: The Ciakahrr Empire and the Orion
Lifespan is of usually 120 (T) years.
Their motivation is anger, hatred and assimilation ====================================================================
Maytra (pl. Matrei), of Maitre, zijn afkomstig van twee thuisplaneten in het dichtstbijzijnde melkwegstelsel van Andromeda, die zij Megopei noemen. Zij zijn uw ergste vijand, en de ergste vijand van alle rassen in dit melkwegstelsel. In principe worden zij door iedereen als parasieten beschouwd, behalve door hen die erin geslaagd zijn een alliantie van wederzijdse belangen met hen te smeden, dat wil zeggen: het Ciakahrr keizerrijk en de Orion collectieven. Lifespan is of usually 120 (T) years
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Member of GFW |
Tengri-Tengri come from the second planet of the star system you call Trappist 1 (galactic sector 56, star system F-1342), and they call their beautiful world: Tengri. Their sun is a small red star, 39.6 light years away from Terra. It is a system of 7 planets, where life developed on most of them, Tengri is home to a dazzling tropical environment. Despite the beauty of their world, the Tengri are accustomed to living in semi-underground cities and their population consists of about 12 million individuals. They are a pacifist race and a member of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. They have two genders.
Tengri-Tengri are a quiet and peaceful
people. They discovered Terra (Earth) 10,000 (T) years ago and if they
did it in the past, they do not perform abductions now. Their huge
disc-shaped ships are suitable for long-distance travel
Tengri-Tengri komen van de tweede planeet van het sterrestelsel dat jullie Trappist 1 noemen (galactische sector 56, sterrestelsel F-1342), en zij noemen hun prachtige wereld: Tengri. Hun zon is een kleine rode ster, 39,6 lichtjaar van Aarde verwijderd. Het is een systeem van 7 planeten, waar leven zich ontwikkelde op de meeste van hen, Tengri is de thuisbasis van een oogverblindende tropische omgeving. Ondanks de schoonheid van hun wereld zijn de Tengri gewend te leven in half-ondergrondse steden en hun bevolking bestaat uit ongeveer 12 miljoen individuen. Zij zijn een pacifistisch ras en lid van de Galactische Federatie van Werelden. Zij hebben twee geslachten. Zij ontdekten Aarde (Aarde) 10.000 (T) jaar geleden en als ze het in het verleden deden, voeren ze nu geen ontvoeringen meer uit. Hun enorme schijfvormige schepen zijn geschikt voor lange-afstandsreizen
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Kale-Nia come from the constellation Aquifa, in the star system Tarazed, where they expanded their civilization on three worlds. Kale-Nia are humanoids with reptilian genetics, slightly smaller and slimmer than Terrans. They have no hair, small pointed ears and cat eyes. Lifespan: 150 years. They visited Terra 2300 (T) years ago and were particularly interested in the desert-like areas of North Africa and the Sahara, similar to the features of their homeworld, as well as active volcanoes. Kale-Nia do not do abductions: their main interest is in minerals and geological research. Last sighted in 2003 near volcano in Iceland. ====================================================================
Kale-Nia komen uit het sterrenbeeld Aquifa, in het sterrensysteem Tarazed, waar zij hun beschaving op drie werelden hebben uitgebreid. Kale-Nia zijn mensachtigen met reptielachtige genetica, iets kleiner en slanker dan Aardbewoners. Zij hebben geen haar, kleine puntige oren en kattenogen. Levensduur: 150 jaar. Zij bezochten Aarde 2300 (T) jaar geleden en waren vooral geïnteresseerd in de woestijnachtige gebieden van Noord-Afrika en de Sahara, vergelijkbaar met de kenmerken van hun thuiswereld, evenals actieve vulkanen. Kale-Nia doen niet aan ontvoeringen: hun voornaamste interesse gaat uit naar mineralen en geologisch onderzoek. Voor het laatst gezien in 2003 bij een vulkaan in IJsland.
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Archons | Moved to ETs-A.html |
Archquloid | Moved to ETs-A.html |
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Altairian | Moved to ETs-A.html |
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Member of GFW |
Altair is a pale yellow star in the constellation Aquila, 16 light years from Terra, and is locally called: Alkorin. The Altair star system includes many races with mixed intentions and among them we find several species of Reptilians mainly from the Ciakahrr Empire, Humanoids (tall blondes, orange skin and various races and variants), and Greys with mixed intentions. Although the 6th and 7th dimensional Altarians - Altairans have no interest in conquests and agendas of any kind, there is nevertheless a dodgy collaboration between the Akhorri, humanoids of the 4th planet, the Orion-Grey Collective and a Terran military presence (US-Telos). Altarian - Altarian ships come in all sizes and shapes. (On Terra in Egypt, the pyramid of Esna represents Altarian). ====================================================================
The Altair system is the headquarters of a
Reptilian collective known as the Corporate, which maintains ambiguous
ties to the Asthar Collective (Sirius B) and the Ciakahrr (Draconian)
Empire simultaneously. ====================================================================
Het Altair-systeem is het hoofdkwartier van een Reptilian-collectief dat bekend staat als de Corporate en dat dubbelzinnige banden onderhoudt met het Asthar-Collective (Sirius B) en het Ciakahrr (Draconian) Empire tegelijkertijd. Zij werken ook samen met de Humanoid Alliance of Altair, het Orion Grey Collective en de Aardse militaire aanwezigheid. De Reptilian rassen die in Altair vertegenwoordigd zijn, zijn de Maytra, Kiily-Tokurt en Zetan Xrog
They live on the fourth planet of the Altarian system: Akhoria.
Ze wonen op de vierde planeet van het Altarian stelsel: Akhoria.
-- / --
They also live on Akhoria, and are 6e & 7e dimensionals.
Zij leven ook op Akhoria, en zijn 6e & 7e dimensionaal.
They are on the thrid planet of the Altairan system: Darathas, which has 4 moons.
Ze zijn op de derde planeet van het Altairan stelsel: Darathas, die 4 manen heeft.
Aquila Darthar
==================================================================== 18-mar-2021
Headquarters of a collective based on the fourth planet of the Altairan system, and which maintains dodgy ties with the Ashtar and Draconian collectives at the same time. This is a mixed group composed of a blond humanoid race that co-operates with a race of Greys. This Corporate is not part of the Ciakahrr (Draconian) Empire but heavily involved in abductions and interbreeding programs (between these blond Altairans and humans), in connivance with the US government. Presence of a detachment of the Terran military (US-Telos Alliance). So this Corporate is part of 'The Alliance'. (The 6e and 7e dimensional Altairans do not nourish interest in conquests and agendas of any sort and are not part of the Corporate of Altair). ====================================================================
Hoofdkwartier van een collectief dat gevestigd is op de vierde planeet van het Altairan-systeem, en dat tegelijkertijd onbetrouwbare banden onderhoudt met de Ashtar- en Draconian-collectieven. Dit is een gemengde groep bestaande uit een blond humanoïde ras dat samenwerkt met een ras van Grijzen. Deze groep maakt geen deel uit van het Ciakahrr (Draconian) Rijk, maar is sterk betrokken bij ontvoeringen en inteeltprogramma's (tussen deze blonde Altairanen en mensen), in samenwerking met de regering van de VS. Aanwezigheid van een detachement van het Aardse leger (US-Telos Alliance). Dit bedrijf maakt dus deel uit van 'De Alliantie'. (De 6e en 7e dimensionale Altairanen koesteren geen belangstelling voor veroveringen en agenda's van welke aard dan ook en maken geen deel uit van de Corporate van Altair). |
Onorhai |
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ATLANS race | Moved to ETs-A.html |
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The Ramay come from the binary subgiant star system named Capella, in the Auriga constellation, and their home world is named Rama. They are short and bulky, with square jaws and elongated skull.
Ramay have been on Terra since a very long time ago ad at the timewhen the Selosii reached a temorary domination of Terra, establishing securely the power of Atlantis, the Ramay were known as Naacals: "star brothers".
De Ramay komen van het dubbel subreus sterrensysteem Capella, in het sterrenbeeld Auriga, en hun thuiswereld heet Rama.
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Agharians or Aghartians | Moved to ETs-A.html |
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They originate from the constellation of Cetus, the name of their star, Iota Ceti, is: Aghraban and they posses two home worlds, of a chemical composition sililar to Terra. The Dries colonized forty worlds by force, with the army they created compased of slaves. They are tallbeings (about 8 ft (2,4m) tall) with light blue skin, and their eyes with luminosity. Their elongated skull has quite a complex structure. They are a binary gendered species and breed by laying eggs, or pods more precisely. This is why Dries females do not travel much, as they hold focus to maintain the specis' grownth. Males can bear pods but his option is not in favour, since they are requisitioned for conquests and wars. They are rather slim but their musculature is nonetheless very powerful. They eat protein food anddo not have a high level of spiritual elevation, although their technology is advanced enough to build spaceships and travel light years to other galaxies, colonize and terrorize other worlds. They have regular territorial fights with the Orion Aliance and the Ciakahrr Empire.
They abduct humans for reproduction and turining them into slaves, and they are planning to reveal themselves to terrans in 2022. They are unfortunately part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, what causes us ongoing tensions. Their shis diverse shapes: boomerang, butterfly or U-Shaped. ====================================================================
Zij zijn afkomstig uit het
sterrenbeeld Cetus, de naam van hun ster, Iota Ceti, is: Aghraban en ze
bezitten twee thuiswerelden, met een chemische samenstelling die lijkt
op die van Aarde.
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Agarthian / Agarthians/ Agartha
20200914-Taygeta-132-Extraterrestrial-races-Agarthians 20210707-Taygeta-259-Special-Intra-Terrestrial-Cavities-Agartha |
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Asbaan-Hu live in the planetary system of Asba'a Prime, on the planet Oriban. The Asba'a systems, very surprisingly, were a very long time ago populated by Ahel and Noor humanoids fleeing the attack of the Man system by the Ciakahrr. The colons rapidly built a prosperous civilization extending on the fourteen planets of this quadruple star system. An incident happened by the past regarding to territorial bounderies with the Grail from Mintaka, aggressive local Grey reptiloids from a nearby star, unfolding unto a violent war which lasted nearly three hunderd (T) years, eventually won by the Grail. The Grial claimed they were here before them, as native, and although their home world was in the Mintaka system, Asba'a was part of their territories. In truth, they wanted to take over the resources of the economical empire built by these Man (Lyran) colonies. The conflict was horrendously ferocious and after all resources were scrapped off the fourteen worlds by the Grail, all surviving life sought underground shelters. Luckily, a Noor group managed to escape the global genocide to the Procyon system, and rebuilt there a new colony of their own, naming themselves the "Eldari". Fate, unfortunately, fell into their disfavour when the tenacious Grail localised them and paid them a disatrous visit. For those who remained in the Asba'a system, an even more criminal fate befell onto them.... The Grail took them all to be made into slaves, but in the most ignominious way; by a slow genetic mutation though a nybridization program, with the help of Zetan Grey's technology (Let me remind you that to this point, the Orion Alliance of the Six was freshly formed and all technologies shared in common for the most malevolent prupose). This is how, progressively, a new mutant slave race was engineered, cross breed between Lyran Humanoids and Zeta Reticuli Greys ( Shamtbahali from Xrog). This new race represented the genetic best of both species, and was used as a template for the developing programs of Human-Grey Hybridization. On Terra, the Orion Empire is well and deeply involved with the programs of the US-Telos Alliance, and shar also territorial underground districtswith the Ciakahrr Empire. ====================================================================
Asbaan-Hu wonen in het planetenstelsel
Asba'a Prime, op de planeet Oriban.
De Graal nam ze allemaal mee om er
slaven van te maken, maar op de meest schandelijke manier; door een
langzame genetische mutatie via een nybridisatie programma, met behulp
van Zetan Grey's technologie (Laat me u eraan herinneren dat op dit
punt, de Orion Alliantie van de Zes pas gevormd was en alle
technologieën gemeenschappelijk gedeeld werden voor het meest
kwaadaardige doel). |
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Aynorde (Plejaden) | Moved to ETs-A.html |
The Bellatrix system, 250 (T) light years from Terra, is home to a wide diversity of Reptiloid species and also of the most dangerous sauroid-grey species: the Indugutk. Bellatrix, aslo named "Uruud", in reason of a reptilian majority of life-forms, makes the liaison with the Ciakahrr Empire. All these local races have a sort of loose collective, based on agreements with a common goal: expansion and conquest. All these races have put in common their diverse technologies, in a purpose of an increased and united power. This collective is also involved with the US-Telos Alliance on Terra. ====================================================================
Bellatrix-systeem, 250 (T) lichtjaar van
Aarde, is de thuishaven van een
grote verscheidenheid aan Reptiloïde soorten en ook van de gevaarlijkste
sauroïde-grey soort: de Indugutk.
Bellatrix Mercenaries reside in the Uruud planetary system, in stationary combat motherships. The Ooganga are genetically engineered warriors, Hybridized from Grey Reptiloids and a local Insectoid species. There massive contingents are garrisoned in motherships in the Uruud system. Alike many prepared cloned armies of the Orion Empire, they are waiting for the signal to unleash their doom where the Galactic Federation of Worlds isn't a threat anymore and thus, this will be the fate of Terra if we fail. ====================================================================
Bellatrix Mercenaries verblijven
in het Uruud planetaire systeem, in stationaire gevechts moederschepen.
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BELLATRICIANS: (FROM POA:NIDLE ====================================================================
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BIG NOSED GRAY | Moved to ETs-B.html |
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BLUE PEOPLE | Moved to ETs-B.html |
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Ohoran Arcturian/ GLAIDEAI / NOO-LINN
There is a magnificent blue planet orbiting the red giant star Arcturus, "Ohora", in the Bootes constellation, 36 light years from your solar system.
Er is een prachtige blauwe planeet die rond de rode reuzenster Arcturus draait, "Ohora", in het sterrenbeeld Bootes, 36 lichtjaar van jullie zonnestelsel.
-- / --
Many Cultures throughout the galaxy teach their childern since an early
age the Ohorai technics of spiritual attuning, as to become an essential
routine into their life.
Vele Culturen door het hele melkwegstelsel leren hun kinderen van jongs af aan de Ohorai techniek van spirituele afstemming, zodat het een essentiële routine in hun leven wordt.
The 44th fleet of the Elesia group, the Elesia star fleet is the Arcturian fleet
De 44ste vloot van de Elesia groep, de Elesia sterrenvloot is de Arcturiaanse vloot
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Member of GFW |
19 feb 2021
Beta Centauri is, alike Alpha Centauri, a triple stellar system sheltering a great diversity of liefe-forms scattered on 17 planets in total, including reptilians, amphibians, insectoids, all at a sub-civilization level. A humanoid Noor colony from Lyra established there and flourished, but chose to remain out of the affairs of the galaxy. These have also chosens not to join the Galactic Federation of Worlds and live in harmony with all the other species of these 7 worlds, as an independent entity. The Beta Centauri system is severely guarded and considered as an unspoiled haven of peace. They chose their name after the captain of the ark who brought them there, their legendary commander Dahel. They named the world they colonised "Dahlnor" ====================================================================
Beta Centauri is, net als Alpha
Centauri, een drievoudig sterrenstelsel dat onderdak biedt aan een grote
verscheidenheid van liefde-vormen, verspreid over in totaal 17 planeten,
waaronder reptielachtigen, amfibieën, insectoïden, alle op een
o Dahlnor 1 o Dahlnor 2 o Hader B o Hadar A1 - 6 planets o Hadar A2 - 5 planets
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Red supergiant star at the end of its life, centre of a planetary system of five 700 (T) light years away from Terra. A large engineered cloud of cosmic dust protects this system. ====================================================================
Rode superreus aan het eind van
zijn leven, centrum van een planetenstelsel op vijf 700 (T) lichtjaar
afstand van Aarde.
The fifth planet of the Carina system, Edemera, is and unplesant cold and desertic world. The Ebani, who live there, are Reptiloid Grey beings, from 6 to 9 ft (1,8 m to 2,7 m) tall. As part of the Alliance of the Six, you will guess they are not a pacifist culture. They have also a colony on Altimar in the Ophiuchus constellation. They are deeply involved with the Cabal on Terra, and work alongside the Terran milirary in underground facilities, on hybridization programs and soul scalping. ====================================================================
De vijfde planeet van het
Carina stelsel, Edemera, is een ongemeen koude en woestijnachtige
![]() Eban |
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Blue Avian - Ra Teir Eir | Moved to ETs-B.html |
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Member of GFW |
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BUTTAHS | Moved to ETs-B.html |
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This is a name regrouping all Terran secret alliances with your malevolent extraterrestrial occupants. Invader races on Terra set deals with the U.S. government and other leading economical powers. Ciakahrrs (Alpha Draconians) compose the secret pyramidal summit of the military industrial extraterrestial complex, controlling information related to alien presence, human elites, media, corporations, institutions and financial systems. They stimulate wars, scarcity, fear and insecurity, encouraging corruption, ethnic and religious ferocity, terrorism, drug trade and organized crime There is a strict hierarchy involving the Ciakahrr and other extraterrestrial races involved in the invasion of Terra, and the Reptilians from Thuban, Ciakahrr and Nagai, are in command of Terra based Reptilians ====================================================================
Dit is een naam van alle op Aarde zijnde geheime allianties met de kwaadaardige buitenaardse beschavingen. Invasie rassen op Aarde zetten deals met de regering van de V.S. en andere leidende economische machten. Ciakahrrs (Draco's) vormen de geheime piramidale top van het militair-industriële buitenaardse complex, dat informatie controleert met betrekking tot buitenaardse aanwezigheid, menselijke elites, media, corporaties, instellingen en financiële systemen. Zij stimuleren oorlogen, schaarste, angst en onveiligheid, en moedigen corruptie, etnische en religieuze wreedheid, terrorisme, drugshandel en georganiseerde misdaad aan Er is een strikte hiërarchie tussen de Ciakahrr en andere buitenaardse rassen die betrokken zijn bij de invasie van Aarde, en de Reptilians van Thuban, Ciakahrr en Nagai, hebben de leiding over de op Aarde gebaseerde Reptilians
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Beta Cam
Mazarek (Blue Glass aliens)
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Member of GFW |
Sirius / Ashkera Ashkeran system
In the ancient common Sirian language, "Tar"means 'the seat", "Kher-a" stands for 'central power".
"This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command,speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak yo you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth.
We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your felloe beings the course you must take to avaid the disaster which threatens tour world, and the beings on our worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awaking, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments. Bes till now and listen, for your chance may not come again. All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this.
You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning New Age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution. Hear now the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many flase prophets and guides at present operating on your world. They will suck your energy from you - the energy you call money and will putit to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return. Your inneer divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you and you will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution. This is our message to our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know now that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your Earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light and wil do al we can to help you. Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves, and live in harmony with the ways of your planet Earth. We here at the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are leaving the planets of your existence. May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the cosmos."
Sirius A "Ashkera"
Sirius A is a bright blue star of a binary system, 8.6 (T) ly from Terra.
The Katayy are a Taal-Lyran colony from Vega, established on a world of Sirius A: planet Kashta ( "K-Ash-Tah": [born] from the brilliant star). Peaceful and benevolent conditions of their new world, the Katayy have more interest in arts and spiritual development than in diplomacy and conquets, which is a reason why they didn't join the Ashtar Collective. They terraformed Kashta with Lyran technology using sound and etheric geometry, to make this planet suitable for life. This technics transforms the bio-magnetic grid of a planet and thus,impacts the environment at its surface to create the best conditions for life-forms to develo or settle. Katayy are part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds but do not engage in fights; their implication is mainly down to scientific coorperation.
Sirius B "Thula"
Sirius B is a white dwarf star, very dense, partof a trinary system, 8.6 (T) light years from Terra, and it sheltersa great variety of cultures. In a cycle of 60 (T) years, the Thula planetary system comes closer to the giant Ashkera (Sirius A) and this is what they all call "the great summer". The diversity of races defies imagination, as the Ashkeru systems, with its 12 worlds scattered around 3 starts 'intertwinedorbits, offer multiple enviromental conditions, from very arid to tropical and temperate,and suits a lot of different species. Adapting to different environments, many have also mutated and it is not possible to repertoriate into precise categories all the Greys, Reptiloids, Amphibians, Humanoids, Insectoids and all the Hybrid sub-species occupying these worlds... Nonetheless, the Thulan planetary system is mainly occupied by Reptilians from the Orion Alliance, and siege of the Ashtar Collective
A genetically prominent humanoid race stood up from the lot, born from the cross-breeding of the Lyran Taal colons (arrived frm Vega with the Katayy) and local Greys, in order to adapt to the enviromental conditions. This race is called Ashkeru-Taal, or more commonly the T-Ashkeri. Masters in the science of genetics, it is a common practice for the Lyrans, when establishing colonies on a new world, to cross-breed with undigenous populations in order to strive in a new environment. Slightly smaller than the average Lyran jumanoid in reason of genetic mutations, Ashkeru-Taal have a traingular face with eyes wider than usual for Humanoids, and slim silhouettes. They havea culture orientated towards science and technology, and some of them, who left Thula, are involved in the high positions of the Ashtar Galactic Command; the Ashtar Collective having been taken over by Reptilians. On four of the world of Thula, the Ashkeru Humanoids cohabit with all sort of Reptilians and Hybrids, involving complex diplomatic arrangements, notably a sharing of technology. T-Ashkeru technology, when it comes to building work, has inspired many other races trhoughout the galaxy, such as keeping the old Lyran tradition of including nature at equal proportion within urbanism, regrouping habitats by districts and, more than anything else, the building materials they were the first to invent and which is astonishing. Indeed, it is a material extremely, resistant to a wide range of radiations (suitable on many different worlds) and in the same time, translucent from one side and opaque from the other.
As all the Lyrans, T-Ashkeri's diet is basically vegetal. The schooling of the childern and also according to the Lyran culture, which is identifing first teir aptitudes and grouping them by ability schools, in order to develop their potential. Put together, children of the same talents will not compete but motivate and encourage each other; that is what the spirit of Lyran education is about. The T-Ashkeri are actually involved in three different ways with Terra; as part of the Ashtar Collective, the Ashtar Galactic Command or the Galactic Federation of Worlds.
Sirius C "Emerya"
Nommo are originally indigenous to Nyan, a planet of the Thula (Sirius B) system, but chased by the Orion Alliance, they migrated to the third star of the Ashkeru system: the dark dwarf Emerya, epicentre of the elliptic orbit for the two other stars. There, was aunique planet they terraformed to fit their survival requirements. They named it Xylanthia. Nommos are amphibian beings, and also androgynous in reasonof the peculair influence of the two other stars upon all life-forms on Xylanthia. Torn between the powerful gravitational force of Ashkera and the pulling dense magnetism of Thula, Emerya is epicentre not only of gravity for the two celestial bodies but also, for complex magnetic configurations.
In reason of the nearby orbits of the two other stars, there is no night on Xylanthia. It is an amazing and surprising world, intensely showered by the light of three stars and mainly covered by ocens. It is a rich, beautiful aquatic world.
The Nommo made contact with many former Terran civilizations about 5 (T) millenniums ago(Sumer, Babylo, Acadia, Egypt, Dogo...), but retired when chased by the reptilian Ciakahrr Empire.
Wij komen u waarschuwen voor het lot van uw ras en uw wereld, zodat u aan uw medewezens de koers kunt mededelen die u moet volgen om de ramp te voorkomen die uw wereld bedreigt en de wezens op onze werelden om u heen. Dit is opdat jullie kunnen delen in het grote ontwaken, nu de planeet overgaat in het Nieuwe Tijdperk van Waterman. De Nieuwe Tijd kan een tijd zijn van de planeet die overgaat in de Nieuwe Tijd van Waterman. De Nieuwe Tijd kan een tijd zijn van grote vrede en evolutie voor jullie ras, maar alleen als jullie heersers bewust worden gemaakt van de kwade krachten die hun oordelen kunnen overschaduwen. Besef tot nu en luister, want jullie kans komt misschien niet meer terug. Al jullie wapens van het kwaad moeten worden verwijderd. De tijd van conflict is nu voorbij en het ras waarvan u deel uitmaakt kan doorgaan naar de hogere stadia van zijn evolutie als u zich waardig toont om dit te doen.
Jullie hebben maar een korte tijd om te leren samen te leven in vrede en goede wil. Kleine groepen over de hele planeet leren dit, en bestaan om het licht van de naderende Nieuwe Tijd aan jullie allen door te geven. Het staat u vrij hun leringen te aanvaarden of te verwerpen, maar alleen zij die leren in vrede te leven zullen overgaan naar de hogere sferen van spirituele evolutie. Hoor nu de stem van Vrillon, een vertegenwoordiger van het Ashtar Galactisch Commando, tot u spreken. Wees je er ook van bewust dat er op dit moment veel valse profeten en gidsen actief zijn op jullie wereld. Zij zuigen jullie energie uit jullie - de energie die jullie geld noemen en zullen het voor kwade doeleinden gebruiken en jullie er waardeloze troep voor teruggeven. Je innerlijke goddelijke zelf zal je hiertegen beschermen. Je moet leren gevoelig te zijn voor de stem binnenin die je kan vertellen wat waarheid is, en wat verwarring, chaos en onwaarheid is. Leer te luisteren naar de stem van de waarheid die in jullie is en jullie zullen jezelf op het pad van evolutie leiden. Dit is onze boodschap aan onze dierbare vrienden. Wij hebben jullie vele jaren zien groeien, terwijl ook jullie naar onze lichten in jullie hemelen hebben gekeken. Jullie weten nu dat wij hier zijn, en dat er meer wezens op en rond jullie Aarde zijn dan jullie wetenschappers toegeven. Wij zijn zeer bezorgd over jullie en jullie pad naar het licht en zullen alles doen wat we kunnen om jullie te helpen. Heb geen angst, probeer alleen jezelf te leren kennen en leef in harmonie met de wegen van jullie planeet Aarde. Wij hier van het Ashtar Galactic Commando danken u voor uw aandacht. Wij verlaten de planeten van jullie bestaan. Moge jullie gezegend worden door de opperste liefde en waarheid van de kosmos."
Sirius A is een heldere blauwe ster van een dubbelstersysteem, 8,6 (T) ly van Aarde.
De Katayy zijn een Taal-Lyraanse kolonie uit Vega,
gevestigd op een wereld van Sirius A: de planeet
Kashta ("K-Ash-Tah":
[geboren] uit de schitterende ster).
Ze hebben Kashta geterraformeerd met Lyran technologie, gebruik makend
van geluid en etherische geometrie, om deze planeet geschikt te maken
voor leven.
Sirius B is een witte dwergster, zeer dicht, deel van een trinair
systeem, 8,6 (T) lichtjaar van Aarde, en hij herbergt een grote
verscheidenheid aan culturen.
Een genetisch vooraanstaand mensachtig ras stond op uit
de partij, geboren uit de kruising van de Lyran Taal koloniën
(aangekomen uit Vega met de Katayy) en de plaatselijke Greys, om zich
aan te passen aan de omgevingsomstandigheden.
zijn oorspronkelijk afkomstig van
Nyan, een planeet
van het Thula (Sirius B) systeem, maar opgejaagd door de Orion
Alliantie, zijn zij gemigreerd naar de derde ster van het Ashkeru
systeem: de donkere dwerg Emerya, epicentrum van de elliptische baan
voor de twee andere sterren.
==================================================================== 18-mar-2021
Separatist faction from the Ashtar Collective from Sirius B. Due to infiltrations and corruption by agents of the Ciakahrr Empire, a rebel faction, mainly humanoids, separated from the Ashtar Collective and took side along with the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Admirably skilled in military procedures, the Ashtar separatists were offered by the Galactic Federation of Worlds to help with operations in the Terran system, and they were offered to set an outpost on planet Jupiter. In order to differentiate themselves from the Ashtar Collective, they took the name of Ashtar Galactic Command. They are based in a large peregrine Mothership Concerning any Terran affairs, the Ashtar Command's outpost in your planetary system relates to the Galactic Federation of Worlds. "Ash-Tar" is a title which means "Command" and is used as wel as "High Commander". It is not a personal name as often believed in confusing misleading information. ====================================================================
Afscheidingsfactie van het Ashtar Collectief van Sirius B. Als gevolg van infiltraties en corruptie door agenten van het Ciakahrr Imperium scheidde een rebellenfactie, voornamelijk humanoïden, zich af van het Ashtar Collectief en koos partij voor de Galactische Federatie van Werelden. De Ashtar-separatisten, die zeer bedreven zijn in militaire procedures, kregen van de Galactische Federatie van Werelden het aanbod om te helpen bij operaties in het Aardse stelsel, en zij kregen het aanbod om een buitenpost te vestigen op de planeet Jupiter. Om zich van het Ashtar Collectief te onderscheiden, namen zij de naam Ashtar Galactic Command aan. Zij hebben hun basis in een groot moederschip. De buitenpost van het Ashtar Commando in uw planetenstelsel heeft te maken met de Galactische Federatie van Werelden. "Ash-Tar' is een titel die 'Commando' betekent en net zo goed wordt gebruikt als 'Opperbevelhebber'. Het is geen persoonlijke naam zoals vaak wordt gedacht in verwarrende misleidende informatie. ==================================================================== Ashtar Collective, Sirius B group 18-mar-2021
Humanoids of various types (Sirius B / Altair mainly), Reptoids, Greys, Insectoids, and genetically engineered species, also called "The Sirian Collective". The headquarters are located in the Sirus B system on the planet Morga. At the time when the Ciakahrr Empire took over the Orion systems and created the Orion Empire with local Grey species,or Alliance of the Six, the Sirian Ashkeru humanoids found themselves engaged in a conflict over the ownership of twenty one star systems, yours included. The Sirian system stood up to the invaders and created this collective, siege of the power of Ashkerea (Sirius B): Ash-Tar (ash=brightlight, Tar= the seat). Due to infiltrations and corruption by reptilian agents of the Ciakahrr Empire, a humanoid rebel faction separeted from the Ashtar Collective and took side with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, taking the name of "Ashtar Galactic Command"Meanwhile, the Ashtar Collective became also involved with Terran shadow governments and the Cabal. ====================================================================
Humanoïden van diverse rassen (voornamelijk Sirius B / Altair), Reptoïden, Greys, Insectoïden, en genetisch gemanipuleerde rassen, ook wel "Het Siriaanse Collectief" genoemd. Het hoofdkwartier bevindt zich in het Sirus B systeem op de planeet Morga. Toen het Ciakahrr Keizerrijk de Orion stelsels overnam en het Orion Keizerrijk oprichtte met lokale Grey soorten, oftewel de Alliantie van de Zes, waren de Siriaanse Ashkeru humanoïden verwikkeld in een conflict over het eigendom van eenentwintig sterrenstelsels, waaronder de Aarde. Het Siriaanse stelsel verzette zich tegen de indringers en creëerde dit collectief, belegering van de macht van Ashkerea (Sirius B): Ash-Tar (ash=helder licht, Tar= de zetel). Door infiltraties en corruptie door reptielachtige agenten van het Ciakahrr Imperium scheidde een humanoïde rebellengroepering zich af van het Ashtar Collectief en koos partij voor de Galactische Federatie van Werelden en nam de naam "Ashtar Galactic Command" aan. Ondertussen raakte het Ashtar Collectief ook betrokken bij Aardse schaduwregeringen en de Cabal. ==================================================================== |
Reptilian Sirius B
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Council of Five |
Procyon 19-feb-2021
Procyon is a binary star suystem with a white dwarf, it is located 11.4 light years from Terra and is host to many different civilizations, but we will only mention the one involved with Terra.
The Ginvo name their star Elevena, and their planet Maruu, Ginvo are part of the Council of Five. They are in general as tall as Terrans and they have faint nose, large brown to black eyes, and their skin is also brown. They live up to about 200 years of your time and they have two genders. Their young ones have hair that they lose as they age, sign that there was at a stage a genetic mutation in their race, and which is still visible with childeren. Ginvo treasure their offsprings above all and put a great attention upon deucation Spiritual and peaceful culture, Ginvo are unable to consider conflict. They worship life and all living forms, art as a spiritual expression be it visual an dmusical. They are a wonderful culture, having mastered the structure of minerals in such a perfection that their habitaats are built with crystals and gemstones. A magnificent race. Ginvo visited Terra but never landed. Their shis look tranlucent, what you wrongly call sometimes "etheric ships". ====================================================================
noemen hun ster Elevena, en hun planeet Maruu,
Ginvo maken deel uit van
de Raad van Vijf.
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Member of GFW |
They come from the fourth planet in the Carina system: "Caryon". Carians are origially Laan colons who settled in the Orizon zone, on a world named Caryon. Regarding to the conditions being more tropical, damp and hot thein their original home world in the Man system and due to the composition of the atmosphere, that they couldn't change risking to endanger the local ecosystem, they genetically mutated by hybridization with local species. They look like Humanoids with bird features, generally with blue feathered bodies and wings, and a very sharp and angular facial structure resembling to birds heads. Because of the genetic freedom of expermentation on themselves, they reached on Caryon a fascinating diversity of forms but, although they mutated greatly, the Varyu preserved with immense sacredness the culture and principles of their world of origin in the Mansystem. Caryu, even though they resemble to birds, have remain mammals and kept their reproductive functions un changed. You call them by the Terran term "Blue Avians".
They have joined memebership with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, although they very rarely leave their planet. Caryu are wise beings and peace ambassadors for the Federation. They have passed agreements and treaties with their threatening close neighbours the Eban and the Grail, which protects them from any harm. They chose to intervene in the process of the Terran ascension by psycic and etheric contacts. Caryu use etheric ships and interdimensional travel. ====================================================================
Ze komen van de vierde planeet in het
Carina systeem: "Caryon". |
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Member of GFW |
"Dursa-y"(or Dorsay) originate from Cassiopeia constellation where they have 2 home planets, in two close-by star systems: Ottoraand Endelemen-Nyada. With a maximum height of 5,3 ft (1,6m), Dursai are small "greys"with a batrachian face and big dark eyes. They are a highly advanced pacifist civilisation, part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Their race is at least 4 billion years old. They have visted Terra at least 250 times and although they do not want to get involved in any of the ongoing wars anymore, Dorsay are nonetheless opportunistic. They eat other alienraces as well as humans, and hunting is an activoty they treasure. They come indeed to Terra for hunting purposes, and this is not tolerated by the Galactic Federation of Worlds, which has regular problems with them. Stay away from Dorsay, they are predators Dorsay ships are flat, discoidal and metallic white.
They were at the origin of an unfortunate accident that impacted Terra ominously: the Tunguska explosion in 1908. For 5 days and 4 nights, the Maytrei (MAYTRA)had been fighting the Dorsay over a shipment of slaves the Dorsay fearlessly stole from them. The conflict lasting and increasing in violence, the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Council of Five decided to intervence. An Elmanuk ship arrived to try ending the hostilities but got also in troubles; you do not negotiate that easily with the Maytrei. So the Elmanuk required emergency assistance and the closest ship was a Pleiadean cargo passing by, transporting crystals to Alpha Centauri. Warned by the Nagai of the arrival of enforcement, the Maytrei, who had shot down the last Dorsay ship that day, attacked the Pleiadean cargo entering Terra's atmosphere and destroyed it as wel as an Elmanuk ship. This was the cause of the Tunuska explosion, and the reminder that you don't just steal to the Maytra. ====================================================================
"Dursa-y"(of Dorsay) zijn afkomstig uit
het sterrenbeeld Cassiopeia waar ze 2 thuisplaneten hebben, in twee
nabije sterrenstelsels: Ottor en Endelemen-Nyada.
5 dagen en 4 nachten vechten de Maytrei (MAYTRA)tegen
de Dorsay over een lading slaven die de Dorsay onverschrokken van hen
gestolen hadden. Het conflict duurde voort en het geweld nam toe,
zodat de Galactische Federatie van Werelden en de Raad van Vijf besloten
tussenbeide te komen. Een schip van de Elmanuk arriveerde om te proberen
de vijandelijkheden te beëindigen, maar kwam ook in de problemen; zo
gemakkelijk onderhandel je niet met de Maytrei.
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Cassiopaean Channeled Material is closely aligned with the teachings of the great Sufi master, Ibn Al-’Arabi, with the Fourth Way Teachings of Gurdjieff, Castaneda, with the Esoteric Christianity of Boris Mouravieff, and even ancient Altaic Shamanism. The Cassiopaeans identify themselves as 'you in the future' and as '6th density light beings.' ====================================================================
Cassiopaean gechanneld materiaal is nauw afgestemd op de leringen van de grote Soefi-meester, Ibn Al-'Arabi, op de Vierde Weg leringen van Gurdjieff, Castaneda, op het Esoterisch Christendom van Boris Mouravieff, en zelfs het oude Altaïsch Sjamanisme. De Cassiopaeërs identificeren zichzelf als 'jullie in de toekomst' en als 'lichtwezens van de zesde dichtheid'.
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Member of GFW |
These are the closest star systems from Terra, 4.3 light-years. It is composed of a binary pair: Alpha Centauri A and B, and the third one is Proxima Centauri, 4.22 light-years away. All 3 stars are a bit older (4.85 (t) billion years old) than Terra's sun, which is about 4.6 (T) billion years old. Every 8 years, Alpha Centauri A and B orbit a common centre of gravity. The average distance between them is about 23 astronomical unities. Alpha Centauri A isa yellow star of the same type (G2) as te sun, and it is about 25 percent larger. Alpha Centauri B is an orange K2 type star, slightly smaller than the sun. Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf seven times smaller than the Terran sun, or one-and-a-half times bigger then Juiter. Proxima Centauri is one-fifth of a light year or 13,000 AUs from the two other stars and is gravitationaly bound to the binary pair, with an orbital period around them of about 5000.000 years. ====================================================================
Dit zijn de dichtstbijzijnde stersystemen
vanaf Aarde, 4,3 lichtjaar.
Alpha-B Centauri SELOSI (Selosian's)
They originate from planet Selo, also named Alpha B Centauri 4. A lot bigger thena Terra, the fourth planet of this system is a world with seven moons. Due to the proximity of the second star in this binary system, nights are very short and the planet's orbit is elliptical, which enables complex seasons. Selosii are tall, white skin and white hair humanoids. There eyes' colour can range to blue, green or grey. Benevolent beings thet are part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, assisting Humanity in its evolution. Selosii master the science of harvesting the universal lief force into crystals, in order to generate plasmic and ethereal energy. They are the mother race of the Telosi Earth colony and have a presence in the orbital stations of the Galactic Federations of Worlds, interacting as well with Terran governments for the greater good of Humanity. They look like Terrans and their society and cultures are based on a spirit of equaity and justice. They promote the wise and responsible use of sciences and technology, peace, and preserve their neutral position in galactic diplomacy. It takes 12 hours to get to Alpha Centauri 4 and twice a week, a shuttle links the Federation"s outposts in the Terran vivinity, to the Centaurian systems. Their usual ships silvery and discoidal.
Ze zijn afkomstig van de planeet
Selo, ook wel Alpha B Centauri 4 genoemd.
Alpha Centauri A en B |
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Member of GFW |
The Al Gruualix come from the constellation Cetus, near Deneb-Kaitis Shemali (iota Ceti). They name their star Assari and Orgona is their planet. They are not very numerous and live only on this one planetof their system, which has a very dense gaseous atmosphere that looks like a blue-greyish steam, very wet. Orgona resemble a tropical rainforest world, with a dimmed light because of their and the heavy dense atmosphere. They are about 6 ft (1,8 m) height and look like reptilians. It is very ancient race, wise and quiet people with a life span up to 350 (T) years old. Although they are often mistaken for Reptilians, they do not share anything with them except appearance. This race has 8 genders and all of them can reproduce when in sexual contact with each other, no matter which mates with whom. Al Gruualix are generally pacifists and obdedient to rules, and they are now part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Having refused to get involved in the Lyran wars, not wanting to risk the existence of their species, they redrew from any diplomatic involvement for a very long while until the Galactic Federation of Worlds accepted for good their application recently, providing them with economic and technological advantages, as wel as protection and community. They don't travel much as they need their wet gaseous life-support condition, which needs to be recreated in their shis. Dryness and especially Terran sun rays can kill them by desiccating their skin very badly. The purpose of their visits to Terra is ony scientific curiosity, and they very rarely abduct. They have ships of made with pure light, ovoid vertical. This technology was developed by their ancestors very long ago in contact with another race (we supposed to be Annunnaki or anceint Lyrans), but these informations and knowledge have been lost. They just know how to concentrate light into crystallisation. ====================================================================
De Al Gruualix komen uit het sterrenbeeld
Cetus, bij
Deneb-Kaitis Shemali (iota Ceti).
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Ioata Chamaeleon
They come from Ioata Charmaeleon. The real name of this star is a number for the Federation but the Caryaveldi name their homeworlds: Sonia and Velda. The star system is named by them Caryeon. They can be extremely dangerous, but they are not a threat worrying the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Although, we know them for having been involved in wars with some races for 500 years (Terran measure of time to make it easier for ouy, alwats). They are about 9 ft (2,7 m) tall, have 4 arms and can live up to 150 (T) years old. Greyish skin, clear eyes with pupils, thin long nose. Waer clothes. Dark blue often, as it is a pigment found in abundance in the soil of their planet Velda. They live on Sonia, the second planet of their system, but they originate from Velda, the third one, that they are using now as resource facility for mining industry mainly.
They rarely visit Terra, because of the reptilians. Carya Veldi don't want to get involved in conflict with them: their fleet and milirary resources are not important enough for the face to face. Their ships are oblong silvery. Slower than the ship of the Federation but able to withstand strong constraints such as vortices and interdimensional travel.
Ze komen van Ioata Charmaeleon.
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Reptilians genetically bred to enable themselves to appear 'human'. Also less-humanoid appearing Reptiloids who use a form of technosis, molecular shape-shifting and/or laser holograms to produce an outward "human" appearance. Reports of these have surface from underground joint-operational facilities near Dulce, New Mexico; Dougway, Utah; Groom Lake, Nevada; Deep Springs, California; and Fort Lewis, Washington and elsewhere. They are reportedly involved in some type of infiltration agenda. These 'infiltrators' can appear remarkably human outwardly , however at the same time retaining reptilian or neo-saurian internal organs. Often described as appearing 'bulge-eyed' with scaly, hairless skin behind their 'disguise'. One report alleged that the 'Chameleons' may utilize artificial 'lenses' to conceal "slit-pupiled iris'". Some claim they are genetically bred 'mercenaries' who are part of an advanced guard of a planned silent invasion-takeover of human society.
Reptilians die genetisch gefokt zijn om 'menselijk' te lijken. Ook minder mensachtig uitziende Reptiloïden die een vorm van technosis, moleculaire gedaanteverwisseling en/of laserhologrammen gebruiken om een uiterlijk "menselijk" te produceren. Er zijn meldingen van deze Reptiloïden vanuit ondergrondse gezamenlijke faciliteiten bij Dulce, New Mexico; Dougway, Utah; Groom Lake, Nevada; Deep Springs, Californië; en Fort Lewis, Washington en elders. Naar verluidt zijn zij betrokken bij een of andere infiltratie-agenda. Deze 'infiltranten' kunnen er aan de buitenkant opmerkelijk menselijk uitzien, maar tegelijkertijd reptielachtige of neo-saurische inwendige organen behouden. Zij worden vaak beschreven als 'bulge-ogened' met een geschubde, haarloze huid achter hun 'vermomming'. In een rapport wordt beweerd dat de kameleons kunstmatige lenzen gebruiken om hun iris met spleetopeningen te verbergen. Sommigen beweren dat het genetisch gekweekte 'huurlingen' zijn die deel uitmaken van een geavanceerde garde van een geplande stille invasie-overname van de menselijke samenleving. |
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Member of GFW |
This beautiful species originates from Astorah, the 6 star in the constellation you name "Coma Berenice". This star system is composed of 10 planets, among which the Lang occupy 3 worlds. Lang are gracious humanoids, not very tall (about 2 ft high 60cm). Cultivating their love for aesthetics and creativity, they wear body decorations such as blue skinpigments, feathers, beads, shiny trinkets and other accessories, for artistic purpose and tribal recognition. The few clothes they wear are in general very colourful. Males wear more decorations then females, as to display their social attributions and merits. Nature is essential to their lives and Lang are in total symbiosis with their enviroment, physically and spiritually. They hunt and eat other creatures, surprisingly, but in all respect of the cycles of life, which they consider part of their sacred beliefs. Although this culture gives a primitive impression, it is very misleading because their technology is quite advanced, notably in medicine ad space travels. There too, diverse levels of civilization transpires through a system of castes. They are part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds.
Lang visitors were among the earliest aliens to discover Terra and they are still remembered in Northern Europe though the elves and dairy folklores about a mysterious "Litte People". They never abducted humans and instead, they rescued a very large amount of people from the Reptilians. ====================================================================
Deze prachtige soort is afkomstig
van Astorah, de 6e ster in het sterrenbeeld dat u "Coma Berenice" noemt. |
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X-1Z ("x") 22-feb-2021
X-1Z is the name of their star system As they do not belong to the GFW, we do not possess much documentation about them. We know they are able to shape-shiftas many as 4 times in 10 seconds so it is difficult to guess what they really look like, although they could be Reptiloids. X perform Terran human abductions and medical experiments, and work solo. Their ships are discoidal, interdimensional, extremely fast and hard to neutralize. They seem to use on their ships the same shapeshifting technology. Another annoying race.
X-1Z is de naam van hun sterrenstelsel
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Member of GFW |
Gamma Crux
Killimat-Arr (K-Arr) 22-feb-2021
Killimat come from a star system named "Arr", or Gamma Crux in your nomenclature. It is a system of 7 planets and 3 are populated, one by this species. Killimat-Arr, such is the name of their world, is a quasi auuatic environment in which was developed an advanced civilization. These blue, translucent, amphibian humanoids are part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. They are a species of their own and have two genders. We know very few about them as they are very secretive. Their purpose on Terra is studing life and taking resources ( a parctice tolerated if submitted to the strict rules of the GFW). The posses a facility of their own, not linked to any Terran or extra Terran government, under the Bermuda Tringle, area where the still active vortex is of great use for them (as well as for many). ====================================================================
Killimat komen uit een
sterrensysteem genaamd "Arr", of Gamma Crux in jullie nomenclatuur. |
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Solipsi Ra or <<GREYS>> 22-feb-2021
(pl. Solipsi Rai) They come from a star system of 5 planets in the Cygnus constellation, which they name "Aama" (mother world). There are about a hunderd planetary star systems in the zone you define by Cygnus, and truly, the number of planets in this area reaches up to over 1800. You would categorize Solipsi Rai as Small Greys. Their civilisation is 2 billion (T) years old and they are initially a peacefull race. Their main leader is named Y-Martyyn and unlike most other races of "Greys", their society is not structured on a hive-matriarchy. They have no colonies but nourish interest on the development of other species. Solipsi Rai have to chance to possess a very powerful weapon that keeps all other hostile alien races at bay, especially the Maytrei who tried several times to dominate them and lost many ships.
Some of them, unfortunately, have turned bad making alliance with the Ciakahrr Empire and the Orion Grey Colective, working with the Terran US gevernment, on technology, in exchange for humans for their experimentations They are involved in Dulce Base. This faction of Solipsi Rai is very active in the abductions, at service to the Maytrei, Kiily-Tokurit and Reptiloids. They also have been cloned and engineerd with more efficiency, in order to produce more of them as slave workers, and we classify them as synthetic life-forms. Their ships are discoidal. ====================================================================
(pl. Solipsi Rai) Zij komen van een
sterrensysteem van 5 planeten in het sterrenbeeld Cygnus, dat zij "Aama"
(moederwereld) noemen.
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As part of a video series on the Intergalactic
Alliance of Star Nations created in 2014, today we offer you an overview
of the Delphinoid race. |